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Msb and Lsb

在下面的讨论中我们假设先送出的是msb如图1所示然后依次送出msb-1 即 lsb 10和msb -2即lsb 9并依次类推转换器最终送出msb -11即lsb作为位串的末位 lsb这一术语有着特定的含义它表示的是数字流中的最后一位也表示组成满量程输入范围的最小单位. A shortcut to manually convert a binary number into its twos complement is to start at the least significant bit LSB and copy all the zeros working from LSB toward the most significant bit MSB until the first 1 is reached.

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Working from LSB towards MSB.

. Then copy that 1 and flip all the remaining bits Leave the MSB as a 1 if the initial.

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